
Posts Tagged ‘move’

With the news that I am going to Vermont come a lot of questions.  The main one being, “when are you going?”  The only answer I have been able to give is, “well I am going with a few families and we are waiting on their houses to sell.”

The instant I tell someone we are waiting on houses to sell it is apparent what is running through their head;

“oh boy good luck in this economy”

“you are going to be around for a while”

“that sucks”

“no way those houses are going to sell”

There is an expression of, “oh that’s just too bad” on everyones face.

The reality is, it makes sense to think those things.  The economy sucks and houses are just not selling.  Logically we must think that this Vermont team is just out of luck for the moment.  That is just the way it is.

I understand these thoughts but honestly these reactions have been a little frustrating.  All that has been running through my head is the fact that it’s really clear God is sending people to Vermont.  If God wants to send people to Vermont God will send people to Vermont.

Selling a house is not a hard thing for God to do.  I think sometimes instead of having the reactions that make sense and are logical we need to say, “this doesn’t make sense but God can do whatever  he wants, whenever he wants.”

Lets be less logical sometimes and really have faith that God is doing something really big.

All that to say, God has provided and we are moving at the beginning of february.  He is bigger then an economy, and He is bigger then our doubts.

Im freaking out but it’s in the best way possible.

Please read this post by Ben Presten about what happened: Click Here

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