
Posts Tagged ‘Vermont’

The First Hike

I wrote this post one of the first weeks we were here.  Now I finally remembered to share it:

The First Hike

The first hike was awesome.  It was president’s day and Ben, Zack, and I had decided to get some work done.  Unbeknownst to us all the places we needed to go were closed.

Seeing that it was a beautiful day and we still had things to talk about we decided to climb Haystack Mountain.  A leisurely 2 mile hike to the top to talk about important church planting things.

A little while in we discovered two things.  First there was a shack that spray painted on it are the words, “Rape shack.”  Creepy.  Even creepier still is what is on the inside.  You open up the door to this place and there is a bunk bed and nude photos all over the walls.  We were and still are a little taken aback but such a strange find on the side of the mountain.  Just thinking about it makes me want to wash my hands, and my eyeballs.

The second thing we found was a dead end.  We had walked right by the real trail and we had no idea where.  Luckily this was the best dead end you could ever find.  We came upon a huge and beautiful frozen lake.  Luckily we were not the only lost peeps on the mountain.  A family hiking behind us had made the same mistake and they had a map.

On the map it looked like the best, and most fun, way to the top was going to be to across a small ridge on the other side of this frozen lake.  Sweet.

So, we crossed the lake and the ridge and we met up with a trail that met the trail that climbed up the mountain.

To our benefit, there was a couple in front of us who decided to cross the ridge as well.  All we had to do was follow their path in the snow.

Oh yea did I mention the entire forest was covered with snow.  It was one of the most beautiful hikes I have ever done.  So far we had tromped through the woods, and walked across a frozen lake, and over a ridge near the top of a mountain and yet we still were not at the top.

Once we finally got to the top we saw such an unbelievable sight.  I couldn’t believe such a great trail was only 5 minutes from the Presten’s and Caudell’s homes.


We enjoyed the scenery and I heated up/burned leftover potato soup from the other night for lunch.  We all squatted around the pot and ate away at the warm food on top of an awesome mountain.

We settled in on an overlook and had our staff meeting.  We also were able to pray over the entire valley as we looked down into it from far above.  Very awesome experience.

The descent was quick but still interesting.  At the top of the mountain was this giant black lab.  Apparently it had just followed some other hikers to the top.  When we started down it decided to accompany us.

When it got a little ahead of us it would stop, look back, and wait.  It led the way all the way to our car.  I gave him/her some deer jerky for sticking around.

So, overall this was quite the adventure.  Found a weird shack, got lost, walked over a frozen lake, walked around a mountain then up it, ate some food, and made a friend.

I think I will do more of these adventures in Vermont.  Also, here is a video of Ben falling.  He was born for the north.

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What a week it has been, I don’t think words can even describe it.  It all started on Friday.


Friday morning a local stopped by before we were going to pray for the weekend.  He was not a believer but had been very open about the struggles he had experienced over the years.  He decided to join us for prayer and as we went around he decided to pray.  It was amazing because he had not been engrained with Christian lingo over the years.  So, as he talked to God he spoke of accepting God and how he hoped God would now accept him and that he wanted to walk on God’s walkway.  What an amazing experience!  Someone not influenced by Christian culture crying out to God.  Then when he was done praying he looks up at us and says, “can we pray some more?  I feel like I have some catching up to do.”  Love it! Church planting is awesome.

Saturday.  Lots to do with setting up for Sunday and the Easter egg hunt in the afternoon.  It was a weird feeling to have no idea how many people would show up.  We didn’t even have a guess to how many people there could be.  4 o’clock rolled around and all of a sudden herds of people began walking down the hill to the park, Mothers, fathers, and all their excited children.  It was amazing to see the community we came here for coming to enjoy the afternoon with us.  In all we had 150 people show up in this small park.  It was a blast and people left with smiles on their faces and many thanks given to us.  A local reporter even came up to us and said they wanted to do a story about Valley Town, yes please.  Church Planting is awesome.


We were so encouraged at this point but again we were left with another mystery of what to expect for Easter Sunday.  We have known for a fact that the town is talking about us.  We also know that the town doesn’t know what to think about us.  There have been a few people in the bookstore and even the pub that have said they were coming for sure and with the Easter egg hunt being a success excitement was high.

Sunday morning finally comes and we are ready.  There is nothing else for us to do except wait and see who shows up.  As 10 approaches people start coming.  It was so encouraging to see every face that walked through those doors.  Each person willing to come and experience something they probably have never experienced anywhere else before.  The service went great, everything went smoothly. Zac and Dawn did a great job leading worship, not just performing but leading people to worship.  Then Ben did a wonderful job of sharing the metanarrative of the gospel.  At the end when we ended the Gathering the people began to clap.  It was hilarious and awesome.

The amazing thing was that our expectations where completely different than what God had in store.  We wanted a huge gathering with everyone in town.  God gave us just under 50 with about 27 vermontians.  Churches around here at most will have 18 people in them a Sunday.  The thing with the 27 that was amazing was the fact that all of them loved the gathering.  I heard numerous times people saying they have a few people they have to tell about it because they would love to come.  Then we had some of those people start volunteering to help with whatever we needed.  God didn’t give us numbers but he gave us a core group of people from the community to reach the community.  It is no longer just us trying to reach the community, it is just us and members of the community trying to reach the town.  One man who has been here for over 40 years said that it was amazing to see life in Memorial Hall again.  I have a feeling life is going to spread a lot further then Memorial Hall.   Church planting is awesome.

On the connect cards Peter, the guy now on God’s walkway, wrote, “I feel the love of Jesus.”  

Church planting is awesome.


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The Trip: Part 1

Well I would have updated you sooner but there is no internet at the house.  I am sitting in the local library using their perfectly free wireless goodness.  There is so much to write about so I shall do it in installments.  When will these installments come?  Nobody knows.

For now enjoy this brief explanation of the first day of the journey north.

The week leading up was a good one.  I was able to spend time with family and friends before I left.  I look back now and none of the goodbyes really felt like goodbye.  It felt more like, ok ill see you in a week.

5am Friday came very quickly and with only a few hours of sleep the trip seemed a bit ominous.  I started off the drive and it went rather quickly.  We were a good ways past Greenville SC before the sun came up.  I was ready for some sun.

Right after getting to North Carolina I was feeling the lack of sleep set in.  So, since Matt, Travis, and Ben had all been resting since we started it was time to trade off.

Our trip continued.  I had a nap then took back over.  We entered Virginia, drove through Richmond and by 2 we were in Washington DC.  My plan was to get an overall view of DC from Arlington then drive on by.

We visited Arlington cemetery, which is huge, walked around saw the sights.  There was the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the view from the hill at the Arlington house.

Our friend Jason Luttrell lives in DC so since we were so ahead of schedule we decided to visit.  He wanted to show us around a little bit so he gave us a “quick tour.”  Poured out the facts and took us to the Library of Congress all in about an hour.  Very awesome place I must say.

The trip continued out of DC and into Baltimore Maryland.  The trip between is only supposed to be less then an hour, but it was peak traffic time and it took a little longer.

Baltimore was our final stop on day 1.  We headed to our friend Torrye Hart’s home for a visit and much needed sleep, but first dinner.  We got into town met up with Torrye and decided to head to the bay.  Very good decision.  We ate at an Irish Pub, which hit the spot.  Then to cheesecake factory for some desert.  I have never been to the cheesecake factory but it was awesome and it also hit the spot.

Finally after a little exploring and sight seeing we headed toward bed.  Slept well that night, besides the death snore from Matt Casey.  Once again 5am was coming very quickly.

To be continued…

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February 10th

The game is afoot!  The day my journey north begins is february 10th.  It will be a grand journey.  My boys Ben Brown, Matt Casey, and Travis Pegram will all accompany me.  Plane tickets back are already purchased (for them not me, im staying)

The total trip is about 18 hours to Wilmington.  We are splitting this into 2 days.  The first day we shall travel to Washington DC and explore for a bit.  We then will end our day traveling to Baltimore Maryland to stay with our good friend Torrye Hart.

After an early start the next day we shall drive through Philadelphia and on to New York City.  We will explore for a bit and have a nice lunch before starting the final leg.  Our plan is to finally reach Wilmington around 6:30 saturday night.

That will give us a little time to explore and rest.  Still, the journey is not yet over.  Sunday we shall again board the silver bandit (I just named my car that a few seconds ago) and head to Boston.  We are pretty much planning on seeing the entire east coast on this one road trip.

In Boston we will spend a part of the morning and afternoon before my closest friends depart on their journey south.  All the way home they will be hoping to move to Vermont because it is way better there then where they live.

Then the real journey begins.  I am excited.

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With the news that I am going to Vermont come a lot of questions.  The main one being, “when are you going?”  The only answer I have been able to give is, “well I am going with a few families and we are waiting on their houses to sell.”

The instant I tell someone we are waiting on houses to sell it is apparent what is running through their head;

“oh boy good luck in this economy”

“you are going to be around for a while”

“that sucks”

“no way those houses are going to sell”

There is an expression of, “oh that’s just too bad” on everyones face.

The reality is, it makes sense to think those things.  The economy sucks and houses are just not selling.  Logically we must think that this Vermont team is just out of luck for the moment.  That is just the way it is.

I understand these thoughts but honestly these reactions have been a little frustrating.  All that has been running through my head is the fact that it’s really clear God is sending people to Vermont.  If God wants to send people to Vermont God will send people to Vermont.

Selling a house is not a hard thing for God to do.  I think sometimes instead of having the reactions that make sense and are logical we need to say, “this doesn’t make sense but God can do whatever  he wants, whenever he wants.”

Lets be less logical sometimes and really have faith that God is doing something really big.

All that to say, God has provided and we are moving at the beginning of february.  He is bigger then an economy, and He is bigger then our doubts.

Im freaking out but it’s in the best way possible.

Please read this post by Ben Presten about what happened: Click Here

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I have done a lot of thinking these past few weeks.

Thinking through a lot of what ifs.


What if I go to Vermont?  What if I don’t go to Vermont?  What if because I am pale and skinny I freeze to death in Vermont?

I run all these scenarios through my head but always come back to the realization that it will be ok.  Scripture constantly tells me so.  Matthew 6:33 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”  All these things being our needs, what we eat, or drink, or what we will wear.

Romans 8:28 “We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called to His purpose.”

So, i find myself to be comforted.  Now it is looking for encouragement to go.

Luke 9:23-26 provides that.  “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me.  For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.  For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits himself?”

Going to Vermont means denying myself.  I don’t want to leave my family and friends, I don’t want to leave my comfort here, my life.  I have felt fear through all of this.  Still, I have come to fear something far greater then the fear of leaving.  I am more afraid to stay then to go.  If God is sending me to Vermont, If God wants me in Vermont then I better get my behind to Vermont.  To reject this opportunity and say, “No thanks God, not this time.” Scares the poop out of me.  I have no desire to reject what God has for my life.

When I see clearly God’s leading I am fully encouraged and ready to go.  Free from fear and full of excitement.

Going will be hard and I would like you to partner with me on this journey.  There are only three ways I think this partnership can work.  The first is easy.

1.) Pray for Vermont, Wilmington, Valley Town, the families going, and for me!  Do not underestimate prayer, it is powerful.  Pray for us.  There is nothing more encouraging then knowing that support.

2.) I am going fully relying on God providing.  I do not have a job or a lot of money to tithe me over.  So, if you wish to help provide for the moving process and, hopefully short, jobless season then I will not deny you that opportunity.

If you wish to partner with me in this I would be beyond grateful.  This blog is the only way I will ask for support.  If you wish to help then send any support to 878 Shannon Rd Sw Loganville Ga 30052.  This support will also reserve you a bed if you wish to visit, which all of you will I know.

3.) The third and best way to partner with me is for you to come.  Get off your bums, stop doing whatever you are doing and move to Vermont with me.  You know you want to. Stop denying yourself.

Also the exact moving date is not set yet.  When I know you will know.

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I’m Moving to Vermont

Well the title is true,  I am moving to Vermont.

It still all seems so surreal and it is all so very sudden.  My world has turned upside down, and while I should be running around freaking out I sit here in complete peace.

It all started a few months ago…

I love where I am.  I am close to my family and my three best friends.  I have moved out of my parents house.  I get to tell people about Jesus and it’s my job.  I make enough to provide for myself and save a bit.  I even have my own bathroom that I don’t have to share!

Still, something has been stirring in me.  A feeling that my time where I am might be over soon, but where to go I didn’t know.  So, I began to pray and ask God to show me what was next.  Things like graduate school close to home, or maybe a job in Greenville at the most.

Then one thursday, a day I don’t even go to the church for work,  I walk into my boss Nate’s Office.   An office which I never go to, we always work somewhere else.  He shuts the door and says, “Now you are in trouble.”  Of course my heart dropped.  That is not a good sentence to hear.

We had talked the previous day on the church roof, like I said we work other places.  We talked about my desire for ministry and where I was in the job now.  Apparently, Nate had been thinking about what I said and where a good fit for me would be.  He gave God an ultimatum thursday morning that he would not bring up Vermont (Ill explain Vermont shortly) unless I walked into his office unprovoked.

Well I walked in and he brought up Vermont.  Immediately my heart sank.  I had thought about Vermont but that is far away, and cold, and my family is not there, neither are my best friends, and I may not have my own bathroom, and did I say its cold.

I left and began to freak out.  I knew this may be what God had begun preparing me for.  I took a long drive to freak out some more and pray.

During that day and the following days I prayed, and read through scripture, and looked for ways out.  Every prayer gave me peace, every scripture I read screamed at me to go, and I found no way out.

No way out of Vermont.

So, what is happening in Vermont?  Over this past year God has laid Wilmington Vermont on Ben and Tiffany Prestons hearts.  (Watch this) They have been preparing over this year to go and plant a church in the least churched state in America.

I have been talking with Ben, learning the vision and hope for the community.  Our first meeting I wished I would be uncomfortable with Ben, or the vision and ideas for Wilmington.  I wasn’t  at all, just more confirmed that God is pointing me somewhere else.

There have been so many things pointing toward this move and nothing saying no.

I prayed for the next thing, this is what I get.  Ask and you will receive, scripture rings true again.

Well my friends, there is so much to tell and I will share in time.

For now be praying for the Prestons, the other families going, and myself.  I am so excited, God has already been moving in amazing ways.  I can’t even imagine what is next.

Oh yea, and ill probably be leaving in January.

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